Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hit and miss...

The weekend has been hit and miss for success on sticking with my health goals, but I will be back at it all the way tomorrow.  I am going to keep making progress this time.  The last few days have been busy with birthday festivities for my youngest (age 12) and finishing up the big projects from the term.

I think I am about done with homework.  I have one more assignment...due next Sunday and I think that is about it, yay!

My fibromyalgia is really kicking my butt this weekend too...way more than normal, not sure what that is all about, but I really hope this flare up doesn't last long.  I really need to get in better shape for full time student teaching and hope for less flare ups:(

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Its been awhile...

I could use homework and the insanity of this term for my excuse for not blogging, but the real truth is that I have been off my program for improving my health and didn't feel like blogging about improving my health when I wasn't....

So, I got back to it on Monday and have lost 5 pounds, so I am back down to the lowest I've been yet this year!  Now, if i can just stick with it, I can start making progress.  but, overall, I have lost 14 pounds since Christmas.  That isn't bad.  I know I could have lost a lot more if I hadn't faltered, but I need to keep trying, otherwise, I am giving up and losing hope for becoming healthy!

I know I am not the only person to struggle with staying on a weight loss program, if that were the case, there wouldn't be so many programs and so much money being made on them, while we continue to have the obesity issue there is today.  This program is designed to be an easy one to stick with, but life still happens.  We still have temptations and stresses that lead us to make a poor choice, which leads to another and another.  I think the more people we see in our lives that find a way to be successful in their efforts to get healthy, the more we can find hope in our lives.  I hope that i will be able to keep getting myself back on my program until I find the healthy life I am looking for so that I can inspire others to make the same changes in their lives.

I've decided to try not to focus on how much I have to lose overall and just set little goals along the way and that each goal will be a success, then my goal is to keep that little bit off and just chip away at it until I make it.  so to be brutally honest, I have gotten myself below 200 and have kept that off since the first week of january...first goal is down and successfully kept off, even when I faltered.  so my next goal is to get well under 190 so that I can make the goal of never crossing that line again!  so at 191 this morning, I only have a few pounds to go to be under that mark, but I will have to get to at least 185 to feel like I am safely below the 190 mark and that is my goal right now!

I have my daughters 12th bday coming up on Saturday and I spent a lot of time considering that.  I thought about not getting back on track until after her bday, but didn't want to wait that long, thought about struggling through her party and all the food and figured I wouldn't be successful at it or else I would, only to "mess up" shortly after due to feeling deprived....neither option felt right, so i decided to think about the long term and realize that party's will happen in life and a little splurge at a party shouldn't be a problem as long as the rest of my life I am sticking with the I set limits on what i eat during her party and will mostly stay on my plan, but I will enjoy a SMALL slice of her cake and a piece of pizza with dinner.  That is my splurge and I will enjoy it guilt free....then i am done with it and just continue on my program as if it didn't happen.  I think in the long run that will result in my doing better and being able to stick to my health goals better. 

Hopefully that is the right decision and should know more by Sunday!  Better go tackle this homework now, just wanted to get back to blogging and set my accountability back up!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Work Sample done yet?

No far to go, plus all the other homework and here I sit on facebook and doing my blog....

Well health wise, how am I doing?  yesterday I took too much medication.  Today I have been right on track with medication and my eating.  I think I waited a little long for my dinner, but that is just how the day went.  I did have a couple drinks with vodka (diet lemonade and then mixed in my orange drink from the program)....but havent given into all the party food here for Hailey and her friends.

Stress level is a little high, even with anti anxiety meds....but i am working on it.

I think after this weekend and I get through all the lessons I am teaching on Mondayand then all the assignments due on Tuesday, life will get a little least the school work won't be quite as stressful.  although then i have that assignment due in a class that I just can't seem to get, but the work sample will be done and turned in!

Better get a little homework done before I go to bed, so much to do, I don't even know where to start:)

I did set a goal that I can't weigh in until next Friday or Saturday so that I don't get disappointed if i am not losing 3-4 pounds a day!  I need to be realistic and shoot for that in a week, which is still an amzing amount...but looking daily was getting me down.   I am so close to being under 190 for the first time since last year and probably was a year before that that I was there, so I don't want to miss the first day of getting there, but I need to keep motivated and it will be just as exciting on Friday of next week as it would be if I hit it on Wednesday and checked in then, but then I won't be disappointed if I step on the scale before that and haven't gotten there yet.  I am sure I will be there by Friday, although I need to control my stress level better. We all know that stress can result in pounds not coming off....

Friday, February 24, 2012

too much homework...again!

I did a little better this time by taking a few very short breaks periodically throughout the day, which helped with some with the pain, but not enough.  I took too many pain meds and had to take too many anti anxiety meds.  But days like the last two days are giving me hopes that I can begin having more and more days like those days and will be able to decrease my dependence on those pain and anxiety medicines.  I am not sure if my bigger goal is to lose weight or to cut the dependence on medication...they are both tied together so much, its such a cycle, so if I cut back on one, I am sure I wil see improvement in the other. But not the frustration of dealing with this assignment.

I stayed with the plan all except a little vodka in sugar free  So a little stress relieving splurge, but I am not going to let that get me off track.  As of this morning I have lost 3 pounds!  and I want to keep going!  I am not looking forward to the homework tomorrow, but I can't wait until I get to go watch Hailey playing her games!

I am looking forward to a better day tomorrow!

Thursday, February 23, 2012 all I have to say...

I can't believe the amount of energy I have today and what a great mood I have been in all day...I haven't felt this good in a long time! 

Yesterday, I took less pain meds that normal...what a great feeling to be able to do that even when they are available!  Today I had a little more pain, but I stuck with the maximum amount without going over and even went on a walk anyway.  It may be slow progress to my ultimate health goals, but I am slowly getting there, reducing reliance on medications and reducing my weight. 

Still haven't weighed in since I restarted, guess I want to see a big loss:)  I am going to try to wait until Saturday to weigh in, but the scale is calling...

Went to meeting tonight and learned more about this program and the importance of attaining better health and all the resources provided for success on this program...its awesome!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Good thing my energy is back!  I didn't sleep at all last night worrying about all my assignments that I have due this coming week and the work load over the weekend, so i thought this was going to be such a long difficult day....but I pretty much breezed right through it, not near as exhausted as the last two days! 

I had a good morning teaching, then I worked all afternoon and got that caught up so i can focus on my school work the next couple of days...hopefully I can get most of it done tomorrow afternoon and Friday so i can enjoy Hailey's last tournament without taking any extra work with me!  I want to enjoy my time there! 

I stayed on my eating plan easily today and realized how nice its been not to have to worry about meals the last few days when life has been so crazy!  I just prepare one meal with lean meat and veggies...pretty simple!  the rest of the meals are all ready with minimal effort...perfect!

Now, hopefully, off to a great night sleep!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

short and sweet...

Just checking in to say that I did great today.  I ate all the right things, drank lots of water and even did a few situps and leg lifts!

And also to ask for prayer for the kids and I this coming many big assignments are coming due and one of them I am really struggling with the concepts on it.  If you could pray for me to have large enough chunks of time to get through all these big assignments that are due on Tuesday and be able to limit my stress level i would appreciate it.  The kids have all struggled with my stress level at one point or another this term and I am really trying to keep it from affecting them, but I know it will this week when my time is going to be so limited and I want to give them all the attention and time that they need...just knowing people are praying for us this would would be really helpful!


Monday, February 20, 2012

blogging with purpose...

The original idea of this blog was to gain encouragement from others and give encouragement back.  I have been encouraged to keep the blog a bit more positive, but I want to keep the same raw honesty, because I think a lot of people relate to that.  So, I am going to try to strike a balance...some raw honesty about what I struggle with, because without that, there won't be the shared sense of victory when I overcome those struggles and little more about each days positive happenings so it feels a little better as we move along.  Besides if I include more positives, maybe I will begin finding more of them along the way and hopefully help my kids also seek the good things in their lives.

So, as most of you know, I took and extended break to try to eat healthy foods instead of following the plan....that didn't work out so well for me.  I don't know why I can't just sit down and eat a healthy meal.  I always need to include something not healthy or the whole thing is unhealthy.  This type of plan really is perfect for my life right now.  Its easy to stick to, my meals (except one) are prepackaged and require very little prep time.  With my crazy life, it really is the easiest way to eat.  And for some reason, when I have a more strict plan, I can stick with it better...maybe because I am not tempted to say "oh just one bite won't hurt" and then it turns into plenty more. 

So, yes, I am back on my program, talked with my health coach today and I am jusst planning to take it one day at a time.  Today, I committed to myself that I would stick with it "just for today".  And tomorrow I will do the same....more tomorrow, family crisis

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Gonna try again...

Trying to just eat healthy isn't working I am going back to the original program, hopefully, tomorrow.  I will decide for sure when I get up...if its another bad fibromyalgia day, I may wait until I get my pain meds refilled so I can manage pain while I go through the tough first days while my body adjusts and gets into its fat burning stage.

So prayers and encouragement that I would actually stick with it this time and that I could finally get on my way to being healthy and being able to cut back on some of these meds, especially, the pain medication!  So many of them cause weight gain, so i hope as I get in better shape and improve my healthy, I can at least cut back on those!

I am going to try just taking it a day at a time and try not to look at the big picture and how long this will take.  Obviously it will take longer if i keep going off, so I will do my best to stick with it...and I will try to depend on my health coach more!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

why can't I stick to it?

I am feeling so frustrated with myself.  So, I figured since I couldn't stick with my program working toward weight loss and improved health, i would just try to eat healthy and add a little exercise for a while and take a break.  I can't even stick with that....

I have to wonder why I keep sabatoging my goal to improved health.  I really want to feel good and be healthy.  I was doing so well and making progress, then I just stopped and regained half of what I lost (at least it wasn't all of it)!

I am not sure where to go from here...I am afraid to try the program again because I don't want to keep going on and off of it, but it is actually easier for me to stick to that just saying I am going to eat healthy.

Ok, so I was going to start writing positives on here....I finished homework in two classes yesterday. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

less positives today...

What a rough day today....I was called mean by two different kids (one of them twice).  No one would pay attention during reading groups!  I caused one boy to cry two times when he was getting in trouble!  One girl stabbed a boy with her pencil (passed that one off to the teacher).

On the positive girl gave me two hugs at school today (and from a 5th grader is pretty special).   And Catlin helped with the health lesson today and I thought that went really well and the kids really enjoyed having her there!

Sent Mikayla to the doc today and she has bronchitis (even while on the Z-pack) she is on strong cough syrup...hoping to be better by Sunday so she can start her first day of her new job!  Yay...go Mikayla!  If she isn't better by Monday she will need chest xrays...

Hailey was able to play in her practices the last two nights so she is healing up.

I went to gallery night and got to watch all the kids do their hugs from two kids there, most of them seemed glad to see me!  Got to watch my renters daughter do hers...she is so cute!  They all were!  It was a fun evening.  I saw people I hadn't seen in a long time, it was nice!

Then came home and finally made the decision to find Jasmine a better home.  I just really think she needs to be in a place where there aren't kids coming in and out so often and running through the house, not always knocking.  I think she needs a calmer home.  I feel guilty about not being able to do a better job with her, for watching how upset Hailey is and because I am going to miss her too...she has been such great company when the kids are gone at Bills, sometimes, that is what gets me through I will just be here all alone and it will feel lonely...I will miss her so much, but I think she will be happier in a calmer home, with a regular routine.

I am signed up for a course on getting a concealed weapons permit and trying out several weapons so i can choose what I want...but it could be a couple of months until I can take that class.  I need  to find another way.  I need to have a gun here when there is not a dog and Trent isn't home with his guns..

oh, and I got an email from an instructor that I got a 4/10 on a paper...F.  she wants me to rewrite it, but the grade isn't going to change.  The problem is that it will become part of a larger paper, so it will affect that grade too...

Nothing to add on my health choices today...not really any good ones.  Now maybe I will work on that paper or cry myself to sleep...haven't decided which...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Had it pointed out I should post positive thoughts because it would breed more what does that leave

Positive choices I made about my health...
1.  went to bed early last night.
2.  had a healthy breakfast, morning snack and lunch...dinner too
3. began trying to figure out what is holding me back from making good choices, especially in trying to lose weight.(not that I figured anything out).
4.  If I have time, I will try to come up with a short term plan for eating bette while on my break from my program, because if today is any indicatior, I can't just say i am going to eat healthier:)
5.  I passed McDonalds without stopping after work...and I really wanted to!

Thats all the positives for this day...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Honesty isn't always easy...

so that "little" mess up last Thursday...turned into a 6 pound weight gain!  So very frustrating....I am not sure what it is that keeps getting me off track.  I can make up little excuses every time, but it must be something on a deeper level.

I've decided it is not good for me to keep starting and restarting this eating program I am I am taking a few weeks to just try healthy eating on my own (and to be honest, I've never been successful at this, the weight comes off too slow and I am not good at counting calories).  But I need to try something else.  While i am doing this, I am going to read a chapter in my book from my getting healthy program about stress to see if I can find anything in there that will help.  I am also going to carve out a few minutes each day just to meditate on why I want to lose weight and get healthy and what is at stake AND try to figure out what is holding me back from accomplishing it....if anyone has ideas, I am listening:)

Right now, I am  just so frustrated with myself and my weakness and lack of willpower...

And, honestly, being out of pain medication for my fibromyalgia doesn't help because then I am fighting pain and the food craving that come with that pain.  I know it is my fault I ran out early...that is yet another area where my willpower is greatly lacking.  Shouldn't it be better to only take the edge off the pain throughout the month than to get rid of it for 3 weeks and then have one week with nothing to help?

Despite all my frustration right now, I am trying hard not to give up!  And, honestly, valentines day sucks being single...I think I am finally about to the point of being ready for a date!  honestly, if you know someone that might be fun to spend an evening with, let meknow:)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Off Track...

Well, got a little off track again...not sure why I keep doing this.  I am doing good, making great choices, feeling good about my progress and then one little thing happens and I spiral out of control.  I was in more pain and took more pain pills instead of making do with what I am supposed to take or instead of trying to find alternate ways to ease the pain.  I was emotionally exhausted after the past week despite the success I had while I was walking through the storm...and then I forget my snack one day, so was starving by lunch.  I came home and I honestly tried to be good, but I really could tell that I was already headed for going off the program. 

I think a lot of it was just being so tired emotionally.  Its too bad I didn't have a way to go out and blow off steam from all the emotional stuff last week...a movie, a drink with a friend or something just to regain my equilibrium so I could be more effective in all areas of my life, not just in the eating or pain pill usage.  I think I need to make more of an effort in doing something with friends and building up some friendships so I feel I have a place to turn when I am struggling with that much emotional crap.  I have my mom (thank God), but I don't want  to overburden her with all of it and I can't expect ONE person to take on all of my stuff...I need to build some friendships too. 

I had a lot of friends in my church, but they seemed to have faded away when I was no longer able to attend church there and I haven't found another church that I feel comfortable enough in to build friends yet.  A big part of that is the church we are attending is so big, so it takes more effort on my part to meet and get to know people and I am not very good at that.  I also just don't have a lot of time to find new people to make those connections with.  I feel that church is probably the area where I really need to step it up and make more effort at turning it into a family of friends.  I need that connection to a church, I miss it so much.  I would prefer a smaller church where it is easier to get to know others, but the kids like this church and I want to lead them spiritually and I can't do that if I pick a church for me and then they won't attend with me. 

I have so many areas of my life that I need to work on so that I can get to a point where I am not continually going off of this program toward improved health.  But it seems each time, I am learning more about myself and areas of weakness and maybe a little about what is causing them.  I need to be sure to walk away from each struggle, each set back with a plan to avoid "cheating"  for the same reason in the future.  And, dang, if Valentines day isn't a struggle this year!  I don't know why it is, it shouldn't be.  I am happy to be the mom of three wonderful kids and I am content in my life...really have no time to fit a guy in (not even a date), but it is hard this year.  That is probably just related to this term being so hard and having so many struggles and it is hard to deal with it alone.  building friendships would probably help in this area too....

When I first started this blog, I had the idea that it might be nice for anyone who was interested to join me for a night every other week to share ideas about what is working and what isn't (whatever your health goals are or what program you are using to reach them).  We could play games, just talk, and/or go on a walk or hike somewhere.  Anyone interested, just let me can text me 541-740-9268 or email me  Or if you just want to catch a movie or something sometime, a girl can never have too many friends...this is just as much a part of my journey to better health as is eating better, losing weight, exercising, cutting back on meds and reducing stress levels.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Well, I must confess to a little backsliding today....

The day started out pretty sore from fibromyalgia and I really just needed to stay home and rest, maybe a hot bath to soak away the pain, but of course that wasn't an option (and I need to learn to deal with that as I begin moving inot the REAL world).  So, off I went leaving home one child with a concussion and one that was sick..that was hard too.

I was also really tired to go with the pain, so I was slow moving and had a hard time getting ready on time.  I rushed out only to realize I had forgotten my snack, which meant I had to make it about 5 hours between meals.  I was so tired, sore, and distracted that I was pretty ineffective teaching today.  Luckily he didn't have me doing much of the actual teaching today.

On the way home, I barely past McDonalds without stopping (my favorite frys)!  i was proud of that, but after eating the soup from my plan, the girls had chinese food from safeway.  I started with a bite of the unbreaded chicken...which slowly escalated to all the yummy chicken that was breaded and in sauce.   that escalaated into convincing one  of the kids to break open a valentine of chocolates (yum).  so for dinner I just ate lasagna with the family instead of making a salad or a stir  fry. 

I need to keep reminding myself...this doesn't mean I blew it completely...I just need to get myself back on the program to keep losing weight.  I need to use this as a learning experience and look at the problems:  number 1--I need a plan for when I have a fibromyalgia morning , how do I get myself going and push past that pain and tiredness on those days (not really sure how at this point).  Next, I need to keep an emergency stash of the bars in my car so I don't end up without a meal like today.  It is definitly easier to stick with it when I am not missing a meal. 

I need a different plan for when I am just so exhausted from life...such as what?  Maybe have a plan for after work to take a nap or read a fun book to kind of revive me?

Anyway...there is my confession, now i need to get as much homework done as possible (which won't be much )  before I fall asleep...could be anytime:)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Almost made it through today with no surprises....started off the day rushing and stressing to get homework done that I didn't have time to do before (oops, I did next weeks assignment...but that will pay off this weekend)...

Got to stop and visit my Grandpa, what a mood lifter, why don't I make more time to do things like that?  And it didn't take long, only 20 minutes and it was such a special time for me....

Forgot about a quiz in one class, but I think I did ok...I know I missed one, but could have been worse.

Poor Mikayla has more car troubles, I guess we got what we paid for in that car...wish i could help her out with it more!

Then I got home early, thinking it was a good thing because i have a lesson to prepare for tomorrow...get a call from Hailey and she was at the high school watching the girls basketball game and got hit in the head and has a concussion, trip to the urgent care.  Poor thing has a huge knot on her forhead...and a doctors note saying no school tomorrow (that part isn't bad) and no basketball until the doctor releases her.  She just hasn't had much luck this season between being sick and injuries.

About my health progress....I felt like I handled todays stresses better than I have been previously, not sure why, maybe some of the medicine from the doctor is helping me.  I got up and rode my exercise bike for 10 minutes and then walking on campus for class.  My back is killing me, but its time to get into exercising and get my body in shape along with some weight loss! 

Now to prep for my lesson and get some sleep...that is one of the next areas to work!  Sleep would probably help reduce stress and help weight loss...maybe even make this headache go away.  Oh that is one other thing, normally I would grab the pain pills for the headache and my hip/back pain.  I took some earlier in the day, but I didn't take more this evening....progress is being made !!!  yay!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Yay, yay, yay...finally lost two more pounds!  I really think it was the stress of last week that had me stuck...the weekend wasn't nearly as stressful and I lost two pounds as of this morning (since I weighed in yesterday).  I am now down 14 pounds total...

I knew if I just stuck with it and kept going it would happen, but it was so hard to do...especially with so many temptations yesterday!  I am so glad I didn't give in...

Now to continue working on keeping my stress level down.  I know I can't control most of what is leading to my stress, so i really just need to work on my reaction to stress.  So for now, it is just to build in the habits I've mentioned before..."Jesus take the wheel...", short prayer, and a few deep breaths...then if that doesn't work, its ok to take an anti anxiety pill for now.  Tonight I got so overwhelmed with tax stuff needing done and and assignment due tomorrow at noon.  I had to rush off to watch Hailey's basketball game and it was adding to my stress.  but, what a difference when i got there and let go of the stress from home.  I just focused on enjoying watching her game and I had such a great time.  She was so fun to watch!  I came home with a new focus and was able to get some of my work done.  The assignment isn't done, hopefully I will get it done in the morning...but I've got to hit the hay...lack of sleep can stop weight loss too!  night all!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weight still stuck...

But I have stuck with the program today, despite lots of temptations everywhere.  In the past, this being stuck at the same weight would have me running for the brownies Mikayla made and has sitting on the stove.  But, I know that the scale has to budge at some point and I really want to finish school looking better than when I started!  So I am still focused....

Talked to my health coach today and she gave me a few ideas...need to up my water intake, be better about measuring my lean and green foods, and make sure my meals are not too far apart so I can keep my insulin levels as even as possible.  she said I will need to be more careful with this due to many of my medicines and with my stress level being so high right now, it could be having an adverse effect on my goals.  I need to get my stress under control....I wonder how to do that as I sit here looking at a couple of hours of homework needing to get done and its already late...tomorrow has a full plate already, so I am not sure where to put homework in there, I also have to complete some tax information tomorrow to get to the accountant...we have a rush on it so Trent won't miss out on any financial aid this year!  YIKES....I am glad I took a little time away from my homework to spend time with my kids this weekend.  I needed that for stress relief and to pull my family back together...but now, how am I going to get all this done?

And I really need to start getting a better night sleep so I can combat that stress that way as well!  So I think I am going to bed and will hope I can get this done tomorrow night or first thing Tuesday morning...or that my teacher will be understanding and take late work.  I have to start taking better care of myself!  Thanks to all who read this....I began this to keep me accountable (definitly working) and to help motivate others.  I have no idea if that is working, but it sure helps me to have a place to get things out and when I write about what is going on, sometimes ideas come to me for changes to going to bed now and not finishing my homework!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Today was hard...

diet wise that is...things went great with all my kids added stress anywhere:)

It was hard today because of many tempting foods being around.  Then when I went to Hailey's basketball tournament, I went a little long in between eating because of the time between games not being long enough for me to get out to get a salad.  It was also hard to want to stay on the plan when I haven't lost weight for several days.  I know it is normal to hit plataeus on occassion, but it is still frustrating and makes it hard to want to stck with it....

I hope to work my way through this plateau.  I need to increase my water again, combat the stress to keep the stress hormones down, trying to fidget a little more as I do homework and that kind of thing, just so I am moving more and burning more calories.  I have been sticking to the food plan, so not much to change there...I love creamy dressing on a salad and need to change that to something else...any good ideas salad dressing that is good for me, that i will still like...still a little creamy?  I would love to hear your ideas!

I have also been really, really tired making it hard to be able to do my homework or accomplish a lot.  I think some of the sleepyness is due to the anti-anxiety meds from the doc.  As my body adjusts to the medicines and as I, can hopefully, get my stress reduced (and don't need as much), I will be able to take less, so between  that, I am sure it will work out soo...

speaking of being tired...I need to hit the hay, I keep falling asleep!  nighty night:P

short and sweet...

I have continued to stay the course, but I am getting discouraged.  My weight has hovered around the same weight for several days now.  I know that as long as I am staying the same or losing bits here and there, I will see it drop, but it is frustrating to be staying on the program without results.  I think it is just more pronounced because of the rapid loss at first. 

Well I am hoping to add some exercise this week (funny, don't know where that will fit in my schedule).  I hope that if I start building some muscle it will help burn calories faster.  And if I drink more water again, I was slacking on that a bit, although I did good today...hopefully I will get up and report a major weight loss.  This is what I ate today...5 meals replacements from the program and for my "lean and green" meal, I had a taco salad using turkey burger, no cheese or chips or taco shell.  so it included lettuce, spinach, salsa, the turkey burger with taco seasoning and a tiny bit of sour cream.  don't see how that should slow me down.  Maybe i should quit using a spoon of peanut butter in my evening "shake".

Who could just be all the stress saying its not time to lose?  Whatever it is, it better not last too long or I will have a hard time sticking with it ... need to reaffirm my committment to it OR have a plan for going off that won't include regaining any of the weight I've worked so hard to get off.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thanks to all the support...

I began this blog as a way to provide accountability as I embarked on this journey to improve my health.  And I have many ways my health needs improvement:)  But this has ended up being such a cathartic journal.  Life has been a challenge to say the least lately and having this forum to write and share about it and get so much encouragement back has been such a blessing.

I should get back to the health program I have begun and share what it has done for me...As I  have been sharing, I am facing some major family struggles at the moment.  Normally, with my fibromyalgia I would probably be unable to function very well and wouldn't have the energy to cope with all that is going on.  This health program has helped because I am feeling better physically.  I have more energy and have been able to keep going throughout the day.  I don't get to the afternoon and need a nap everyday like I was doing last term in school. 

No, the program isn't stopping the stress or calming my emotions as I struggle with the relationship tension in my family right now.   I am an emotional basketcase...but physically I am stronger than I was even a few weeks ago.  That is helpful in coping with the stress.  Typically, when facing stress like this, I would be eating more or having a few drinks in the evening to cope with all that is going on.  I am amazed, actually, that I have been staying on my program, but I really want to set a good example to my kids in one area of my life...guess this is the one for the moment.

I want to encourage those of you who struggle with the emotional eating that you can do this program if you want to make a change in your health.  I would love to come alongside you if you want to partner up with someone on this journey to health.  I think the more support you have around you the easier it is to stick with something like this because you have someone you are accountable to.  I love this program because it includes a health coach.  There is someone I can call anytime I am struggling with the program or anything else. 

I am so thankful that I have been able to stick with the healthier eating and for all the words of encouragement this blog has brought my way.  In the coming weeks I need to find a way to cope with the stress and reunite my family at the same time.  I have already cut everything out of my schedule I can I need to add in some special one on one time with my children.  That is what is important in life, relationships!  As I considered cutting school to work on family issues, I think I have come to the conclusion it is better to show them the example of completing what I start and just finding a way to work through the tough times as I go.  Somehow, at the same time, I need to let them know that they are all more important than my schooling because they are so much more important to me.  If I were to quit school to work on these issues, I would have to find a job right away and that would be less flexible than being in school is.  I would need to be gone more hours of every day.  the good thing would be that when I was home I could be more present and not working on homework at all hours.

This term is only 6-7 more weeks if we can just hold on that long.  Yes next term is full time student teaching, but there won't be classes on top of it.  Hopefully I will be able to do more of my work sample while I am at the school and make my home time more focused on family instead of school.  And then, of course, I will also be job hunting!

So, in summary, I am very thankful to be on this program and working on my health.  I have only been able to cut one medicine and was hoping to cut more by this time (especially when I got the bill for switching my insurance to a 3month supply with a mail order company...ouch).  But I need to get the stress under control to help the fibromyalgia.  I am at the point in the program that I should be able to add exercise (not sure where that will fit in) and exercise is a great tool for helping relieve stress. 

anyone reading this who prays...I could use prayer in several to balance school and family in a way that helps my kids to feel valued and at the same time, see me be able to accomplish this goal of finishing school and beginning a career that makes a difference in someones life, decisions regarding my dog and what to do with her, prayer for each of my kids as they struggle with my school stress while I am in the last push to get done, and prayer in dealing with stress and anxiety, that my doctor would be able to work with me in finding some anti anxiety medicines that will help.  I know when I took that on a more regular basis it really helped my fibromyalgia pain as well and I didn't need as much pain medicine.  I go in tomorrow.  I could also use prayer that I would find time to get all my homework down and that I could put together a good work sample, and of course prayer that I will be able to have a job lined up after graduation that is in the local area and will pay enough to support my family and help me pay back my student loans....

Maybe one day I will even ask for prayer in finding someone new, but I honestly don't have time for that right now:)  Although, I have to say, that when dealing with so much stress, it sure would be nice to have someone to talk things over with, someone to just hold me while I am sitting there bawling my eyes out...who withholds any judgement and just loves me (and my kids even if they hurt me).  Not sure there will be anyone like that out there...if not, I will just continue on my own.

Keep eating healthy, exercising, and taking care of yourself...yes that includes some "you" time or pampering...that is part of improving your health too.  I got a massage today and it was wonderful and just what I needed right now!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

confession time...

Last night, after my blog posting, yup, I had something off program.  But you know what was huge for me...I was able to say, well just get right back at it and I did and stuck with it all day today.  Actually I scurried off to bed so I couldn't eat anymore, but this morning when I didn't feel as good and REALLY wanted toast or crackers for breakfast, I stuck with my eating plan and have stayed with it all day!  And I still lost a little weight:) 

So the thing here I am so proud of is that I didn't switch to the " I blew it" mode.  I just moved forward and got back to it.  I don't think I have ever done that before!  I really do want to improve my health and I am so glad I was able to do that.

I really can't wait until this term is over.  I have found out that the stress I am dealing with from school is having a major adverse affect on one of my kids.  I can't let that causes me to wonder if I am doing the right thing being in school?  I can't let my family fall apart because of it.  My family is so much more important to me that school and the (slim) possibility of finding a job in todays market.  On the other hand I am part way through the hardest term, if I stop now, I will have to start it over again someday and it will be just as hard.  What example would I be setting for my kids long term?  short term, I hope it would show how much I love them that I would give up  my dream to be here for them.  But will that be enough?  If I quit school I will have to find a job as soon as possible, then how flexible will I be able to be when they need me around?  Of course next term when I am doing my full time student teaching I will lose that flexibility anyway...I just don't know what to do...I am kind of in one of those spots where I am darned if I do and darned if I don't.  Sure its only two more months (for this term) but in the life of a teenager, that can seem like forever.  I would do anything for my kids, even give up finishing school, if I thought it would help, I just don't know if it would.   But I can't let my family fall apart, that is all that is important to me.

Then, my dog bites one of the kids friends tonight....what do I do with that?  Do I get rid of her, muzzle her or what?  I don't want to take the risk of it happening again on one hand, but when I already feel like my family is falling apart, if I get rid of the dog and leave the kids heartbroken, its just another fracture in an already crumbling house.  I hurt so bad over everything going on right now...doesn't life know I am trying to get healthier?   It seems like life is throwing everything at me  right now, I am getting so tired of trying to fight back.

To continue with fighter analogy, I feel like I have been hit in the head one two many times and I don't know which way to turn as I try to get my feet back under me, if I turn the wrong way I will get hit with the knock out punch.  If I turn the right way, I have a very slim hope of success.  If I just stay down, its going to hurt a lot less, but there is no chance of success.  Trouble is my head is spinning so much that i don't know which way to go? 

to save my family, maybe it is better to stay down and not risk the knock out, but that one small chance toward success, is so tempting.  How many times do we see someone try one too many times to reach for success and they ruin everything in the process and lose all that is worth having?

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wanna be eating...

Gotta blog, or I am going to eat or have a drink....My stress level is so high, I really don't know how I will finish this term and stay sane.  I have been crying off and on for days...its just too much.  Any struggles with kids is overwhelming me...I feel if I had someone to share it with, it would be easier, but it really  not just that...I think the stress from the other areas are taking a huge toll on me.

The last two days I think the only thing that kept me from curing up in a little ball are the anti anxiety pills the doctor gave me...problem is I run out tomrrow.  I have actually scheduled an appt with her on Friday to try to get this anxiety under control .  It is at such a high level, I honestly don't know how I am functioning at all....

Back to the part you all really read this am I doing on my goals?  Eating, I have stuck to it so far, remembered to pack enough food for today when i had to eat on the run so much (all healthy items).  I have stayed on my plan and enjoyed wearing my new outfit today...along with a new haircut and got my nails redone!  So feeling good on the outside anyway!  I am really unsure how I will manage my stress levels tomorrow or Thursday before I got to the doc on Friday.  One thing, using the anti anxiety medicine did make it easier to stay on track with my pain pills much better, the pain wasn't as intense!  So I will talk to the doctor about that, but I don't want to add any other medicines that will lead me to more weight gain!

I just have to say being able to stick to your program, whether it is this one or any other one, you need a mind set to do it.  I have often fallen in the trap of letting myself cheat or have a drink especially when dealing with stress that isn't this bad, but somehow, I have been hanging in there this time and I truly believe it is being more determined and also once I set up this blog, I became more accountable to anyone who is reading that might need extra encouragement one day.  I sure don't want to get on her and say I blew it....but I am sure the day will come when I have to do that, but it can be used as a teaching lesson as well.  I can "blow" it and choose to get right back on track.  Last time I went off, it was for a week...but I still made it back on.  I need to learn to change my mindset, if I eat something off the doesn't have to be "blowing" anything.  So what if I eat a few chips one day, then I start right away being back on plan and it can just be a temporary detour off of my trail to health, but one I want to correct as soon as possible so I don't take forever in reaching my destination.

For today I am going to choose to stay on my program despite my stress.  I am going to call in for a refill on my antianxiety medicine and just see if the doctor will approve a refill before I can get in on Friday.  I doubt it, but it will definitly be worth the try, especially if it will help me fight the pain that leads to a dependence on pain medicine....I need to really work on that as well.  I want to be strong and healthy without taking all the medication that I have been taking for the last many years.

Good luck on your journey to health....I think it would be great if some of you who are reading would also share your story on this blog.  The more of us who share our journeys to health in all areas, not just in weight loss or balancing stress or managing chronic pain, but anything, the better chance there is for someone who needs encouragement will find just the words they need on any given day!

I would love to see some of your stories show up on her alongside my story on this blog...I think anytime we undertake something as huge as improving our health, the more support we get/give the more success we will find.  I would be honored to share this journey with all of you who are reading this.  I have some ideas on how we can journey this path together, from simply sharing our stories on here along the way, to  meeting a couple of times a month to share tips, tricks and recipes, to planing active activities together (regular exercise or walks OR weekend hikes/bike rides)...anyone interested in any of those ideas let me know!  Well I better go get my lesson planning done before I end up teaching without a clear plan....

Monday, January 30, 2012

I survived, but barely...

I made it through one more hellish days, but barely...I seriously wan't sure I was going to make it through this day in one piece!   I think this is what I have to look forward to for the rest of the term...about 2 months....honestly if I can hold on that long to my sanity!

Do deal with life at such an overwhelming pace every day and to have to do it alone, can just be more than I can bear today.  I even had to take several antianxiety medications just to get through the day in one piece...and I am not sure I made it anway....I honestly don't think I can handle the next two months of this .  People tell me how strong I am, but I think I have reached my limit today!

Even after God intervened and saved me from the broken washer, after my prayer begging for help, he blessed my socks off by answering my request.  I still feel like I can't take even one more day like this.  I am so overwhelmed....I can't pull myself together enought to do any homeowrk and I have several things due first thing on Wednesday, errands and then class all day tomorrow, so I have to do it today...but I can't even breath with anxiety overtaking me.

Some of you read these blogs to watch my weight loss progress...sorry I am off topic today.  I stayed on the plan...I don't know how, but I didn't weigh myselft today ... did where a size smaller pants though.  I guess you know when an eating healthy program is working, I really havne't had to think about it much today...just made sure to get the proper meals in and a healthy roasted turkey breast and green beans for dinner....and for anyone who wondered...I am very good at making gravy (it was for the kids, but I did taste it and it was good).

have a good night

Sunday, January 29, 2012


I am not sure how to post pictures to my profile for you to see, so I will try to put them in this post...I did post them, but now I can't find them....I think they are part of my google profile instead of specific to the blog.  The first one is 10 pounds down from my profile picture and the 2nd one is my senior picture from high school, just for fun!

New Picture...

Hey all,
I am adding a new picture to my profile.  It is blurry, but hey, its 11pm, at least its posted:)  So, it is me, down 10 pounds (11 and a half actually) in the new outfit I awarded myself with ... woohoo!  And I even got to shop with my mom and sister for an extra special treat! 

I am now off to conquer the next 10 pounds...I have done well this weekend despite the kids being at their dads and I usually struggle a lot when they aren't here...who will know right? 

The area I am really struggling with right now is coping with stress, fibromyalgia pain and actually getting to bed at a decent time.  Those are the area of focus I had for myself last week and coming up this week.  Last week, I was getting better at trying other methods of pain control (other than medication), I still needed it, but it was at a lower level, despite having more pain the last few days.  But today I didn't do so well with it:(  And I have had a real struggle dealing with stress and letting it get to a point of real anxiety issues.  Which lead to the next one, having too much to do each day ending with me going to bed way to late!  All three of these areas can cause weight loss to slow down or stop even if I am not going off my plan.  Many of the medications I have for fibromyalgia pain have the wonderful side affect of weight gain, stress leads to increased cortisol in the body which can lead to weight gain (and other unhealthy consequences) and lack of sleep can lead to weight gain.  All three of these areas can easily lead to going off the healthier eating plan!

I know I can't conquer every bad habit at once, but I really am just wanting to see some progress in these areas, baby steps are fine!  I guess I need to place my focus on the time management and stress levels.  I am not sure how to go about doing this with my work load right now, there isn't much to cut out.  My house is already a mess most of the time, the kids are helping out when and where their time schedule permits, I don't watch tv or play video games, about the only time I am on facebook is when I am waiting for an appt or something where I can't be doing homework, the rare socializing I do is needed to counter the high stress levels.   So, since I can't really cut down on my to do list any, I need to find a way to cope with the stress in a healthier way...I've been trying to say "Jesus take the Wheel" when I am feeling out of control and it might help a bit, its not enough to combat this constant knot in my stomach from feeling so out of control.  Maybe I need to also practice, this only for a couple more months.  If I can survive that long:)  I am concerned that I will be depending on pain medication too much as I deal with the pain that is a direct result of the stress.  While I don't see anything wrong with using a little extra during a time like this, especially since it is such a short time frame, I need to be more careful or else I run out before I can get a refill and then the pain is twice as hard to bear because I know I can't get away from it. 

I know I started this blog to help me build my willpower regarding my eating habits, but right now I am needing to figure out better way to deal with the pain so that I don't run  myself out of the pain medicine that I need to get through this time...Any suggestions from anyone on better stress management to lead to better pain management would really be appreciated!  I am going to try to get in to the chiropractor and in for a 1 hour massage to see if I can take care of the extra pain I have been feeling, but that is usually short lived relief...

Oh, back to the pictures, I am also posting one of my senior pictures just for the fun of it...I am not sure how I got from the skinny, skinny girl I was to the very overweight woman I have become, but I find the picture motivational.  And no, I am not trying to get back to that size, I look at that picture and think I was too skinny...there is absolutely no waist there!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Tonights blog is going to be short and sweet...I am so behind in my homework, so just a little stressed out!  Gotta figure out how to balance everything tomorrow; homework, lesson planning, housework, laundry, cooking, and the thing I actually want to do...go watch my youngest daughters basketball tournament...had to miss todays games and I always hate it when that happens.

But I did actually give myself a break today and went to a movie with a friend.  Even though it meant I would be farther behind, I think it is important to get away like that occassionally.  A couple of hours where I didn't have to think about anything, but the movie I was watching was nice and its always nice to spend time with friends!  When I stopped at Fred Meyer for groceries and my new outfit for losing 10 ended up working out for my sister and mom to meet me there...that was a special treat!  And they were great at picking out a perfect outfit for me!  Thanks for the help...

While going to a movie was a little challenging for me, since I love to "splurge" when I go since I rarely go.  But, I took one of my meals with me and some extra veggies and it ended up surprisingly easy once I made the decision to stick with it.  When I got home and was hit again with how much homework I had that I need done by tomorrow night, I was very tempted to have a drink, but I also knew that would probably lead to splurging on food I shouldn't have.  I also really wanted some extra pain medication due to ongoing pain the last few days.  But, I had already had some earlier and I really want to do better in that area as well, so I skipped that too.  I am sure the stress lately is increasing the pain level.  I may just have to learn to deal with it over the rest of this term.  I know stress releases cortisol which can counter weight loss, so I really need to figure out a way to deal with the stress better.  My work load is NOT going to decreas over the next couple of months, so I need to learn how to deal with it.

On a positive note...I was able to get a size smaller in jeans today!  That is encouraging and motivating!

Hopefully tomorrow, I will find an opportunity to post a picture in the new outfit 10 pounds lighter!  Ready to tackle the next 10!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Stress...and comfort foods

Well today was one of those horribly busy days that never ends.  I worked until 6:30 today, got no homework done and still have so much to do in addition to the homework!

I am just now making dinner, should have made it a couple of hours what did I really want?  A drink...well, okay, several of them!  And junk food, something easy for dinner?

What motivated me to stick with it?  Knowing I had this blog to write...and thats it.  If I wasn't writing this and knowing people would read it, I would be at McDonalds grabbing my dinner and then getting some beer to go with it!

So Thank you, thank you for reading this blog and keeping me accountable.  What am I having for dinner?  stir fry vegetables and a small steak.  Now, red meat is not what we should have all the time, but an occassional splurge is ok!   Now if I can just feel like I am accomplishing something tomorrow...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Whoo Hoo....past the 10 pound mark!

I am so excited and feeling super motivated to stick with this!  As long as I don't look at how much I have left to lose and focus on what I have accomplished so far instead, I can keep it up!

I am feeling better, more energy and ready to take on all that I have to do....

In the past I would need a nap in the afternoon, especially after working all morning and doing homework most of the time, but I made it today without that afternoon tiredness taking over!

Another stressful day of trying to fit in homework, but after tomorrow it is the weekend and I actually made fun plans with a friend.  That is a rare happening with my busy schedule, so I am really looking forward to it.  I am going to a movie, kind of a diet danger zone, because I always love the popcorn and butterfinger bites that goes with it!  I am going to pass this time and stay strong.  I am going to shop for a new outfit to celebrate the first 5 pounds and also some lavendar scent for my room to celebrate doing a better job not turning to medicine for every little ache and pain or stress.  I am motivating myself to try distraction first.  Obviously the less medicine I take the better I will feel overall!

Its going to be a great to come in my new outfit!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Yay...I've beaten the hunger!

Today was about 100% better than the last 4 days.  I was able to be just fine between my meals.  I never felt like I was starving or that I couldn't make it to the next meal!  This is when this weight loss program really starts working...I've kicked into the fat burning stage.  My energy will begin to increase as well...I hope I begin sleeping better today!  After staying up last night doing homework, I kept having horrible nightmares that kept me from getting to sleep.  So I am pretty tired tonight...

Today was another stressful day....alot of it really related to being a single parent.  I needed to get after kids to do chores and clean up after themselves, while trying to get a little housework done myself.  Needed to help one do homework (and she needed a lot of help tonight) all the while knowing I  had hours and hours of homework sitting there not getting done.  I had a lesson to plan, dinner to make (and clean up) and had to get one to basketball practice....And one is getting sick or they needed to talk about something...just life, the pleasures and the struggles.  I am totally, not complaining....I wouldn't trade my kids for anything!!  I would rather deal with stress like this every day than not have them for one day.  Its just on nights like this where you wish you had someone to help with that day to day stuff.  I really feel that is why God created marriage.  To help with all of lifes busyiness and especially to help with the day to day life of raising a kids and managing a household.  Reality of life though is different from that.  So managing stress is what I keep coming back to...and havent figured out yet.  I did say "Jesus take the wheel"  many many times today!  So I am making progress...

At least today there weren't any fights with the kids, so in amongst the stress of the day, there were times of laughter and hugs to share!  I love my kids they are such a blessing from God!  I can't imagine life without the immense joy they bring to me every day!  I have never had a day when I wasn't so thankful for having them in my life!  Even those days when you want to scream and pull your hair out...there a little moments with each of them that make me laugh, smile or feel really proud of the people they are becoming despite my mistakes! 

Back to the journey of health I am on.  Getting to the point in the program where food isn't such a focus is huge for me and will really help me to stick with the program and it also takes one element of stress away.  Most of my meals are pre-packaged and easy to eat, so I don't have to spend a lot of time thinking about it or shopping for my foods.  I only plan one meal a day to cook on my own.  I try to make that dinner.  I haven't always been good about fixing dinner for the family.  I get so busy and I say get leftovers, or a frozen dinner...or I get fast food.  Not the best example to be setting and it doesn't encourage family time when there isn't a formal meal.  I am finding that even when I do make a dinner, it is rare we are all here to sit and eat together.  Everyone is so busy and on such crazy schedules.  but that is one goal I would really like to work on in the near future.  Even if we got two sit down dinners a week with all of us and the other nights whoever is here sits down together.  I think that would improve our family connection to one another.  I need to quit eating my dinner while doing homework.  I need to make the time to sit down and enjoy my three blessings and any blessing they choose to bring home for dinner!  they all have wonderful friends/ boyfriends/ girlfriend...I am truly blessed in this area of my life!

Working toward relieving stress, I think a goal I need to look at is making time in my day for a break or two.  Giving myself permission to take a small break and enjoying life a little instead of working so hard will be an important health habit to make!  After the first three weeks on this program it will be time to think about an exercise program.  The idea of fitting it in sounds stressful, but I know that exercise works as a great stress reliever.  I have already started walking twice a week with a friend and having the time to talk and exercise at the same time is great for me.  Then I have moved my eliptical trainer and exercise bike in the house hoping I will use those while watching tv or reading an assignment ....

Now I need to work on the idea of getting a full night sleep!  Everyone have a great night and do one thing each day to work toward better health and you will be there before you know it!  I will be posting a new picture soon showing the loss of the first 10 pounds...I am already excited about the next 10.  And to go shopping soon for a new outfit to reward myself for the first 10!

Rough 4th day!

Wow, can anyone say day from hell?  Oh my gosh...I know we all have them, but wow!  Wells its 1 am and I am just getting to my blog.  I thought about not posting since it was so late, but how better to inspire others than sharing my struggle and by tomorrow, my brain will be mush...

Started out good...actually mdade progress in budgeting and tax prep!  so I was excited about that and thought I  might actually end up with two days in a row of finishing my list.  But, I had a sick child at home...she didn't take up any more time, but I just never feel quite right myself when one of the kids is sick...especially when i have to go off and leave her for most of the day! 

Had to leave at 10 for my doctor appt.  Good thing was all my blood tests came back with every thing in normal ranges except the iron was on the low side (but way improved from the summer) and my triglycerides were a bit high, not extreme, just enough to watch.  But I figure staying on this diet will have that back down to normal in no time!  I talked to her about my weight loss and the program I am on.  She fully supported the program and was very happy to see the weight loss.  Which by the way was down a total of 9.8 pounds since my last appointment a month ago...even after messing up for a week or so!  Imagine where I would be if I had taken that little more reason to try to avoid those breaks in the future.

If any day would have sent me over the other side to cheating, it was day was so hectic from the doctor appointment on.  I ended up messing up my meals somehow and went too long between them more than once.  This resulted in my being ravenous during my last class (3 hours long).  I had such a horrible time paying attention!

Many classes are beginning to get overwhelming with the work load, so many of us got stressed during the first class.  I knew the whole time that I needed to come home and revamp my lesson plan for tomorrow based on feedback from my cooperating teacher and realizing there were things I needed to reteach before continuing on.  I thought I could get that done in about an hour when I got home, so yeah, not ideal, but doable.

Life doesn't always cooperate like we want it to....I got home, wet, exhausted and hungry to find no chores done by my kids, most of the lights left on in the house and then one child decided to stay over at her dads without telling me.  By then my patience was thin and I put my foot down on chores needing to be done before they go places, including their dads.  I let them know I am all for them getting extra time with their dad when they need it, but that they can't do it without checking with  me.  That just because I am in class on Tuesday nights, does not mean they can do what they please.  One daughter had an equally bad day and when I insisted her chores get done before doing anything with friends the next day and then got after her about her attitude about the whole thing...tears began to flow and a not so nice word came out of her mouth....a couple hours later I felt we had things pretty well resolved all the way around, but I still had this lesson to prepare....

Finally finished it about 10 minutes ago!  Places I could have cheated included...being so hungry when not at home and I forgot to take enough of the  meals on campus and didn't have time to get anything healthy...would have been so easy to grab quick, junk food to fill myself up.  But I stayed strong...then on the way home to stop and good fast food on the way (something I have relied on doing many times before on days like this or even with less stress), but again I fought through that one....the stress when i got here...also another thing that tends to lead me to either binging or having a couple of glasses of wine, which is always better with some cheese or other snack.  Again I stayed strong!  Days like this should increase my confidence in being able to handle adversity and still stick to the program...probably wont see that confidence until I recover from the lack of sleep I am getting tonight, the lingering stress, and getting my food at regular times again to avoid the hunger.  I did eat an extra meal from the program, which is an acceptable, occasional strategy for when the hunger is getting the better of you!

Another thing I felt good about today is that I worked on changing habit for dealing with the pain and stress...many, many times to day I said "Jesus take the wheel"  or sang as much of the song as I could remember.  I also reached for everyday pain relievers, like advil, instead of the stronger fibromyalgia medications.  I did end up needing some, but it wasn't to the degree I have done in the past.  I could still use more, but I am headed to bed and am hoping tomorrow will be a better day:)

So the work on adding in new and better habits is taking hold and moving me toward a healthier future and I can't wait to get there!  Take care of your health!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 3...

The good thing is after today it should start getting easier.  Before I took my little break from the program last week, I wasn't starving anymore and that time after day 3, it was so much easier!  Looking forward to tomorrow.  I have been drinking about 80 ounces of water a day, which helps, but guess where you spend a lot of time.  They say I should be drinking 100 ounces a day based on my weight, but I just can't pull that off, so will just continue to do the best I can.  If I drank that much I would probably float away in the night:)

Tomorrow I go to the doctor and it will be so nice to show them that I've lost 10 pounds since my last visit, instead of being told to lose weight, they can say, keep up the good work!  And I will again have all my medications so I won't have to struggle with the pain like I have the last three days.  That really makes a big difference in my activity level.  When I know I can control the pain, I can be more active.  When I know I will just have to struggle with the pain, well, then I don't want to do too much extra moving around!

So, now, hopefully this blog will get more exciting as I can report on continued weight loss (speaking of which I am down another pound today (so right now I need to lose another .8 to make the official first 10 pounds)!  And I hope to report on being able to cut back on my medications more and get more active.  I also believe that sticking with this will get me to a point where my pain levels decrease and I won't be running out of my medications each  month from trying to keep the pain away.

Of course there will also be pictures as the weight comes off showing my progress.  One strategy that I am using to help keep me motivated to stay on this weight loss program is that I get to buy a new outfit every 10 pounds...can't wait to go shopping!  My mom has also offered some new clothes as encouragement for me...thanks mom!  I think personal rewards can be a great motivator.  I do one as mentioned for losing weight and then I do one other for succeeded at working at breaking a bad habit or setting a new habit each week.  I know it takes longer than that to make it a habit, but that gets me started.  For example, this week, when I am over stressed, my goal is to say "Jesus take the wheel" and then giving myself a couple minutes just to let my mind wander from the pressures (obviously I can't let my mind wander in the middle of class or while driving, but afterwards I can).  I am hoping this will serve to break the habit of feeling like I have to do everything on my own power.  I have to turn things over to God some of the time.  That is how things work out for the best!  If I can remember to do this and decrease my stress level it will help me in several ways...reminder to lean on God will help my relationship with Him, less stress=less pain for someone with fibromyalgia, and less stress levels help with weight loss!  I encourage anyone trying to improve their health, whether it includes weight loss or not to think about habits you need to change and set some goals today.  Remember it is usually better to focus on adding positive goals that replace negatives than to cut negative habits alone.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

2nd day...

Last night I struggled when I went to bed, I couldn't sleep and was starving!  But I managed to avoid the food temptations.

I lost 2.2 pounds yesterday, which helps with motivation, but I had a much harder time with my hunger level today.  I had some extra vegetables this afternoon and a sugar free jello to help out with that.  Now hopefully, tonight I can get to sleep earlier and avoid the late night hunger!  I need to remember the hunger of the first few days on this program and use that as motivation not to go off the program again.  Once you get past the first few days, the hunger is very rare and energy level goes up. 

Knowing I would be blogging about how the day went did help me to avoid some extra bites throughout the day!  If you, too, are trying to improve your health, consider setting up some form of accountability where you report to someone, anyone of how well you do each day.  You have to be willing to report when you mess up too.

I have struggled with staying on this program or any other weight loss attempt.  Stress is a big downfall of mine.  When I am crammed for time, I often reach for easy foods which are not always healthy.  I need to work to plan ahead knowing which days are going to be the busiest.  As a full time student and single mom, most days are busy:) As I come up with ideas and alternatives to the unhealthy choices of the past, I will share them on here.

Tomorrow, I student teach all day and then have a busy afternoon and evening as well.  I am just hoping that I am not overly hungry all day and that I have the energy to get through it all!  I am also concerned about my fibromyalgia pain level.  Today, I have struggled with my pain level.  Naproxen hasn't touched the pain today.  At least today I have been able to sit comfortably while doing homework most of the day.  Tomorrow I will be out where the comfort isn't available.  I am still hoping to cut my dependence on fibromyalgia medications.  I am out of some and that makes it harder to control the pain.  I do go to the doctor on Tuesday and will be able to control the pain once again.  Hopefully with sticking to this program over the next month, I will be able to limit the need for some of the medicines that have the side effect of weight gain.  When I am hurting, I want to turn to comfort foods, although, they probably add to the pain more than help it.  They definitly add to the weight gain.

I am a little concerned about what I have planned for dinner tomorrow since my day is going to be so busy.  I am planning to bake chicken breast and include asparagus and noodles for the kids.  It shouldn't really take too long, but when I am busy, the idea of making dinner is hard for me.  I am already not planning to do any homework tomorrow, so that should help with the pressure.

Have a good night!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

First day...

I had a friend suggest I start a blog to help motivate me with my weight loss plan.   So I decided to take her suggestion and start one.

Some of the things that make losing weight difficult for me are:  Stress (I work from home, take 5 classes, student teach, and raise a family with three kids!), I have fibromyalgia (chronic pain/fatigue condition), I lack will power:), I have no time for cooking healthy foods or exercising, and I have several medications that I take that have a side effect of weight gain!

So, as I fight through those difficulties, I hope I can share some ideas that will motivate and help other while I do a better job sticking to my goals.  I began this weight loss plan on December 27th 2011.  I did really well for two weeks and lost 10 pounds.  Then I struggled off and on for awhile.  I gained 4 pounds back and today is my first day back on.  I am hungry, but not ravenous, so that is a good start.

I am doing the Take Shape For Life program.  On this program, I am supported by a health coach and she also has a couple of meeting per month for extra support.  There are other supports including phone calls with nurses and dieticians, there is a book to work through to help us learn the habits to maintain health after the initial weight loss phase.  There is pre-packaged food for 5 meals per day and then one meal that includes a lean protein and vegetables.  I am getting ready to eat my dinner of roasted turkey breast and a salad.

The first health benefit I have noticed with this program, besides the weight loss is that I have less need for my heartburn medicine.  I was taking it two times a day plus tums several times per day.  I am now able to control it with my medicine one time per day!