Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 3...

The good thing is after today it should start getting easier.  Before I took my little break from the program last week, I wasn't starving anymore and that time after day 3, it was so much easier!  Looking forward to tomorrow.  I have been drinking about 80 ounces of water a day, which helps, but guess where you spend a lot of time.  They say I should be drinking 100 ounces a day based on my weight, but I just can't pull that off, so will just continue to do the best I can.  If I drank that much I would probably float away in the night:)

Tomorrow I go to the doctor and it will be so nice to show them that I've lost 10 pounds since my last visit, instead of being told to lose weight, they can say, keep up the good work!  And I will again have all my medications so I won't have to struggle with the pain like I have the last three days.  That really makes a big difference in my activity level.  When I know I can control the pain, I can be more active.  When I know I will just have to struggle with the pain, well, then I don't want to do too much extra moving around!

So, now, hopefully this blog will get more exciting as I can report on continued weight loss (speaking of which I am down another pound today (so right now I need to lose another .8 to make the official first 10 pounds)!  And I hope to report on being able to cut back on my medications more and get more active.  I also believe that sticking with this will get me to a point where my pain levels decrease and I won't be running out of my medications each  month from trying to keep the pain away.

Of course there will also be pictures as the weight comes off showing my progress.  One strategy that I am using to help keep me motivated to stay on this weight loss program is that I get to buy a new outfit every 10 pounds...can't wait to go shopping!  My mom has also offered some new clothes as encouragement for me...thanks mom!  I think personal rewards can be a great motivator.  I do one as mentioned for losing weight and then I do one other for succeeded at working at breaking a bad habit or setting a new habit each week.  I know it takes longer than that to make it a habit, but that gets me started.  For example, this week, when I am over stressed, my goal is to say "Jesus take the wheel" and then giving myself a couple minutes just to let my mind wander from the pressures (obviously I can't let my mind wander in the middle of class or while driving, but afterwards I can).  I am hoping this will serve to break the habit of feeling like I have to do everything on my own power.  I have to turn things over to God some of the time.  That is how things work out for the best!  If I can remember to do this and decrease my stress level it will help me in several ways...reminder to lean on God will help my relationship with Him, less stress=less pain for someone with fibromyalgia, and less stress levels help with weight loss!  I encourage anyone trying to improve their health, whether it includes weight loss or not to think about habits you need to change and set some goals today.  Remember it is usually better to focus on adding positive goals that replace negatives than to cut negative habits alone.

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