Saturday, January 21, 2012

First day...

I had a friend suggest I start a blog to help motivate me with my weight loss plan.   So I decided to take her suggestion and start one.

Some of the things that make losing weight difficult for me are:  Stress (I work from home, take 5 classes, student teach, and raise a family with three kids!), I have fibromyalgia (chronic pain/fatigue condition), I lack will power:), I have no time for cooking healthy foods or exercising, and I have several medications that I take that have a side effect of weight gain!

So, as I fight through those difficulties, I hope I can share some ideas that will motivate and help other while I do a better job sticking to my goals.  I began this weight loss plan on December 27th 2011.  I did really well for two weeks and lost 10 pounds.  Then I struggled off and on for awhile.  I gained 4 pounds back and today is my first day back on.  I am hungry, but not ravenous, so that is a good start.

I am doing the Take Shape For Life program.  On this program, I am supported by a health coach and she also has a couple of meeting per month for extra support.  There are other supports including phone calls with nurses and dieticians, there is a book to work through to help us learn the habits to maintain health after the initial weight loss phase.  There is pre-packaged food for 5 meals per day and then one meal that includes a lean protein and vegetables.  I am getting ready to eat my dinner of roasted turkey breast and a salad.

The first health benefit I have noticed with this program, besides the weight loss is that I have less need for my heartburn medicine.  I was taking it two times a day plus tums several times per day.  I am now able to control it with my medicine one time per day!


  1. I had no idea that you had so many obstacles to overcome...especially your fibromyalgia (sp??). I am also trying to lose some weight and eat much healthier so this will help me stay motivated. I think you are amazing for juggling so much! You should be so proud of yourself!!!

  2. Thanks, Traci! Good luck on your health goals...maybe through this blog we can connect with more people who are working to improve their health and we can all support each other on the goal!

  3. Good luck. I know about not having time to cook but have found that I need to plan my meals...still working on that...its a matter of either pre-cooking them on Sunday or making sure what I have planned can easily be done in less than an hour...make up a salad on Sunday for the majority of the week...make sure you have the meat planned out...really...does not take that much time..just planning...and if you don't have a crock pot, invest in easy..
    I did the HGC diet and lost weight pretty good but it is difficult for real life as we are only eating 500 calories a day....not finding something that allows you to eat 5 meals per day is the key...and healthy. I love my sweets so that is my downfall...oy...getting old is difficult.

    Good luck Tracy

  4. Thanks for all your great ideas, Michelle! I definitly need to improve my meal planning especially on the busiest nights! Like tomorrow when I work until at least three, walk with a friend at 4 and then my daughters basketball game at 6:15....those kind of nights make fast food places appealing! But it is important to avoid that!
