Sunday, January 22, 2012

2nd day...

Last night I struggled when I went to bed, I couldn't sleep and was starving!  But I managed to avoid the food temptations.

I lost 2.2 pounds yesterday, which helps with motivation, but I had a much harder time with my hunger level today.  I had some extra vegetables this afternoon and a sugar free jello to help out with that.  Now hopefully, tonight I can get to sleep earlier and avoid the late night hunger!  I need to remember the hunger of the first few days on this program and use that as motivation not to go off the program again.  Once you get past the first few days, the hunger is very rare and energy level goes up. 

Knowing I would be blogging about how the day went did help me to avoid some extra bites throughout the day!  If you, too, are trying to improve your health, consider setting up some form of accountability where you report to someone, anyone of how well you do each day.  You have to be willing to report when you mess up too.

I have struggled with staying on this program or any other weight loss attempt.  Stress is a big downfall of mine.  When I am crammed for time, I often reach for easy foods which are not always healthy.  I need to work to plan ahead knowing which days are going to be the busiest.  As a full time student and single mom, most days are busy:) As I come up with ideas and alternatives to the unhealthy choices of the past, I will share them on here.

Tomorrow, I student teach all day and then have a busy afternoon and evening as well.  I am just hoping that I am not overly hungry all day and that I have the energy to get through it all!  I am also concerned about my fibromyalgia pain level.  Today, I have struggled with my pain level.  Naproxen hasn't touched the pain today.  At least today I have been able to sit comfortably while doing homework most of the day.  Tomorrow I will be out where the comfort isn't available.  I am still hoping to cut my dependence on fibromyalgia medications.  I am out of some and that makes it harder to control the pain.  I do go to the doctor on Tuesday and will be able to control the pain once again.  Hopefully with sticking to this program over the next month, I will be able to limit the need for some of the medicines that have the side effect of weight gain.  When I am hurting, I want to turn to comfort foods, although, they probably add to the pain more than help it.  They definitly add to the weight gain.

I am a little concerned about what I have planned for dinner tomorrow since my day is going to be so busy.  I am planning to bake chicken breast and include asparagus and noodles for the kids.  It shouldn't really take too long, but when I am busy, the idea of making dinner is hard for me.  I am already not planning to do any homework tomorrow, so that should help with the pressure.

Have a good night!

1 comment:

  1. Water, water and more water when you get home..not as school as you will have only lunch to go to the bathroom...what grade are you teaching? I would hope the teacher has a chair that you can use to teach from? My two did and I took full advantage as I have a really bad back and bad use them when you can..its ok...
