Thursday, March 8, 2012

Its been awhile...

I could use homework and the insanity of this term for my excuse for not blogging, but the real truth is that I have been off my program for improving my health and didn't feel like blogging about improving my health when I wasn't....

So, I got back to it on Monday and have lost 5 pounds, so I am back down to the lowest I've been yet this year!  Now, if i can just stick with it, I can start making progress.  but, overall, I have lost 14 pounds since Christmas.  That isn't bad.  I know I could have lost a lot more if I hadn't faltered, but I need to keep trying, otherwise, I am giving up and losing hope for becoming healthy!

I know I am not the only person to struggle with staying on a weight loss program, if that were the case, there wouldn't be so many programs and so much money being made on them, while we continue to have the obesity issue there is today.  This program is designed to be an easy one to stick with, but life still happens.  We still have temptations and stresses that lead us to make a poor choice, which leads to another and another.  I think the more people we see in our lives that find a way to be successful in their efforts to get healthy, the more we can find hope in our lives.  I hope that i will be able to keep getting myself back on my program until I find the healthy life I am looking for so that I can inspire others to make the same changes in their lives.

I've decided to try not to focus on how much I have to lose overall and just set little goals along the way and that each goal will be a success, then my goal is to keep that little bit off and just chip away at it until I make it.  so to be brutally honest, I have gotten myself below 200 and have kept that off since the first week of january...first goal is down and successfully kept off, even when I faltered.  so my next goal is to get well under 190 so that I can make the goal of never crossing that line again!  so at 191 this morning, I only have a few pounds to go to be under that mark, but I will have to get to at least 185 to feel like I am safely below the 190 mark and that is my goal right now!

I have my daughters 12th bday coming up on Saturday and I spent a lot of time considering that.  I thought about not getting back on track until after her bday, but didn't want to wait that long, thought about struggling through her party and all the food and figured I wouldn't be successful at it or else I would, only to "mess up" shortly after due to feeling deprived....neither option felt right, so i decided to think about the long term and realize that party's will happen in life and a little splurge at a party shouldn't be a problem as long as the rest of my life I am sticking with the I set limits on what i eat during her party and will mostly stay on my plan, but I will enjoy a SMALL slice of her cake and a piece of pizza with dinner.  That is my splurge and I will enjoy it guilt free....then i am done with it and just continue on my program as if it didn't happen.  I think in the long run that will result in my doing better and being able to stick to my health goals better. 

Hopefully that is the right decision and should know more by Sunday!  Better go tackle this homework now, just wanted to get back to blogging and set my accountability back up!

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