Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weight still stuck...

But I have stuck with the program today, despite lots of temptations everywhere.  In the past, this being stuck at the same weight would have me running for the brownies Mikayla made and has sitting on the stove.  But, I know that the scale has to budge at some point and I really want to finish school looking better than when I started!  So I am still focused....

Talked to my health coach today and she gave me a few ideas...need to up my water intake, be better about measuring my lean and green foods, and make sure my meals are not too far apart so I can keep my insulin levels as even as possible.  she said I will need to be more careful with this due to many of my medicines and with my stress level being so high right now, it could be having an adverse effect on my goals.  I need to get my stress under control....I wonder how to do that as I sit here looking at a couple of hours of homework needing to get done and its already late...tomorrow has a full plate already, so I am not sure where to put homework in there, I also have to complete some tax information tomorrow to get to the accountant...we have a rush on it so Trent won't miss out on any financial aid this year!  YIKES....I am glad I took a little time away from my homework to spend time with my kids this weekend.  I needed that for stress relief and to pull my family back together...but now, how am I going to get all this done?

And I really need to start getting a better night sleep so I can combat that stress that way as well!  So I think I am going to bed and will hope I can get this done tomorrow night or first thing Tuesday morning...or that my teacher will be understanding and take late work.  I have to start taking better care of myself!  Thanks to all who read this....I began this to keep me accountable (definitly working) and to help motivate others.  I have no idea if that is working, but it sure helps me to have a place to get things out and when I write about what is going on, sometimes ideas come to me for changes to going to bed now and not finishing my homework!

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